New Credential
Wendy Robin Weir, M.A., Lic. Ac.
Doctor of Oriental Medicine specializing in Acupuncture, Homeopathy, Traditional Chinese Medicines, NCCAOM Diplomat of Oriental Medicine
Texas License Number: AC 01363
California License Number: AC 3745
- Present: Wendy Weir Services, El Paso, Texas - Owner. Acupuncture and Naturopath Medicine provider specializing in treating pain, neuralgia, post-traumatic stress disorders and general health issues. Certified VA TriWest acupuncture provider and accepts most insurance programs
- November 2012 - September 2024: General acupuncture practice in El Paso
- January 1989 - December 2008: Natural Healing Consultants, San Luis Obispo, CA - Owner. Private business providing acupuncture, homeopathy, traditional Chinese herbal medicine until relocating to the southwest.
- October 1972 - November 1995: Weirlabs Self Differentation Consulting - Associate taught sections on nutrition, massage, yoga, clinical ecology principles and theories of Traditional Chinese Medicine as part of the Weirlabs, a consulting group focused on self-development and interpersonal relationships.
- Graduation from College of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine 1990
- Masters degree in Psychology and Holistic Health
- 1985-1988 Santa Barbara College of Oriental Medicine. Studied acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine. Licensed to practice acupuncture and Oriental medicine in California, 1989.
- 1980 American International Hospital - Clinical Ecology. Conducted research into diseases induced by hypersensitivities to processed foods, household chemicals, and related stressors.
- The University of San Francisco, Masters of Arts, Psychology, 1972. Emphasis on holistic health integrating physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects with a specialty in body-focused therapies.
June 2017. Neuro Acupuncture Training. Neuro Acupuncture is an innovative technique for treating post-traumatic stress disorder, stroke, traumatic brain injuries and other Central Nervous System disorders. Completed and graduated from 4 year course.
May 2017. Using Essential Oils and Aroma Therapy according to TCM
August 2016. On-line course 11 CE units Health Care Medicine Institute
June 2016. Herbal medicine for respiratory conditions. On-line course. 8 CE units
April 2016 Texas Health and Science University Continuing Acupuncture Education
January 2016.Traditional Chinese Medicine approaches to Parkinson's disease, digestive disorders, pain management strategies, anemia and post traumatic stress disorder. 2 day course. 17 CE units
All continuing education requirements met since 1989 and available upon request.
Diplomate of Oriental Medicine
A Diplomate of Oriental Medicine is a practitioner who is certified by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM®) and has met the certification requirements for both acupuncture and Chinese herbology. It is a considerable professional achievement to earn the designation Diplomate of Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM). NCCAOM certification indicates to employers, patients, and peers that one has met national standards for the safe and competent practice of acupuncture and Chinese herbology as defined by the acupuncture and Oriental medicine (AOM) profession. For additional information, about the Diplomate of Oriental Medicine, please visit the NCCAOM Website.