Acupuncture, an ancient healing art with roots in Eastern philosophy, offers profound benefits for enhancing well-being. It is founded on the principles of yin, yang, Qi and blood in combination with the traditional five elements that define material existence (Fire, Earth, Water, Metal and Wood).
Central to this practice is the concept of Qi, the vital life force that energizes and sustains us. Qi influences various aspects of our health, including blood flow, which nourishes and grounds us. Qi animates all of our organs and is the vital force that gives us life.
In this framework:
- Yang represents active, dynamic, and masculine energy.
- Yin symbolizes calm, cooling, moistening and feminine energy.
Achieving a balance between the forces of yin, yang, Qi and Blood is crucial for maintaining optimal health and quality of life. Acupuncture, along with Chinese Herbal Medicine, works to harmonize these elements, promoting overall wellness and equilibrium.
Neuro acupuncture is an innovative therapeutic approach that integrates traditional acupuncture with modern neuroscience principles to address neurological conditions and disorders. By targeting specific points on the scalp neuro acupuncture aims to modulate neural pathways and enhance brain and central nervous system function, offering a promising alternative or adjunct to conventional treatments. This method is based on the understanding that stimulating certain scalp areas can influence the central nervous system and improve neuroplasticity—the brain's ability to reorganize and adapt. Neuro acupuncture is beneficial for conditions such as stroke recovery, chronic pain, neurodegenerative diseases and central nervous system disorders.
Personalized herbal medicine is a time-tested approach to well-being and natural healing. Herbal medicine has been a cornerstone of healing practices for over 6,000 years, drawing from diverse cultural traditions and evolving through modern scientific research. I combine Chinese and Western herbal traditions to offer a comprehensive approach.
Homeopathic medicine is a traditional German system of natural healing that uses extremely small doses of natural substances to stimulate the individual's vital force to maintain and regain homeostasis and a healthy internal balance physically, mentally and emotionally. It is a remarkably useful tool in a natural approach to healing.
To learn more about how these ancient practices can benefit you, call 575-650-7543 to schedule an appointment with Wendy Robin Weir, M.A., Lic. Ac.
Day | Availability |
Sunday | Not Available |
Monday | Not Available |
Tuesday | 9:00AM - 5:00PM |
Wednesday | 12:00PM - 6:00PM |
Thursday | 9:00AM - 5:00PM |
Friday | 9:00PM - 5:00PM |
Saturday | Not Available |